Welcome to My Inner Temple

a Spiritual Journey to Masters Dharma

«The practice of offering is a very important preparation since it creates a vast amount of merit and makes our mind very strong.»
Shi Yong Po [Chin.: shìyǒngpō 释永坡 | 1926 – 2018]
No Mind, Just Heart

No Mind, Just Heart

Embracing the Buddhist View

In the midst of life's hustle and bustle, amid the cacophony of thoughts that dance in our minds, there exists a serene sanctuary—a space where tranquility reigns and compassion blossoms. This sanctuary is not a physical place but a state of being, rooted in the profound wisdom of Buddhist philosophy. It is encapsulated in the profound teaching: "No Mind; Just Heart." At the heart of Buddhism lies the recognition of the incessant chatter of the mind as a source of suffering…

Embodying Buddha

Embodying Buddha

Finding Wisdom in Action, Not Words

In the vast expanse of spiritual teachings, the figure of Buddha stands as a symbol of enlightenment, compassion, and inner peace. The teachings of Buddha have echoed through centuries, guiding countless individuals on a path towards understanding and self-realization. Yet, amidst the myriad interpretations and expressions of Buddhism, there is a fundamental truth often overlooked: Buddha resides not in our eloquent words but in the depths of our hearts and actions. The phrase "Buddha in…

Shaolin Kung Fu: Practice and Perseverance

Shaolin Kung Fu: Practice and Perseverance

Shaolin Kung Fu extends far beyond the physical techniques

In the realm of martial arts, few disciplines evoke as much reverence and mystique as Shaolin Kung Fu. Originating in the ancient Shaolin Temple nestled within the mountains of China, this venerable art form is not merely about combat techniques but embodies a philosophy that emphasizes the cultivation of both body and mind. At the heart of Shaolin Kung Fu lies a simple yet profound principle: practice plus perseverance. It is this combination that forms the very essence of Shaolin Kung Fu…

Unveiling the Essence of Buddhism

Unveiling the Essence of Buddhism

Understanding Over Practice

In the realm of Buddhism, a profound axiom stands tall, challenging conventional notions: "Buddhist truth is not acquired through practice, but practice through understanding." This enigmatic statement encapsulates the essence of Buddhist philosophy, shedding light on the prioritization of wisdom and comprehension over mere ritualistic practice. Delving into the depths of this maxim unveils a paradigm shift in the approach towards spiritual enlightenment within the Buddhist…

Relationship Between Religion and Shaolin Kung Fu Practice

Relationship Between Religion and Shaolin Kung Fu Practice

The relationship between religion and Shaolin Kung Fu is multifaceted

Shaolin Kung Fu, with its origins rooted in the ancient Shaolin Temple in China, is renowned worldwide for its profound philosophy, rigorous training methods, and breathtaking physical techniques. Central to the tradition is the fusion of martial arts practice with Buddhist philosophy, leading many to wonder: Is religion a necessary condition for one to engage in Shaolin Kung Fu? This question delves into the complex interplay between spirituality, culture, and martial arts prowess.…